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24 May 2022

Scouting for digital technologies to save on labour costs and downtime for a heavy manufacturing conglomerate


A Japanese heavy manufacturing conglomerate was looking to future proof its business along three service lines. The company was interested in how digital technologies may be deployed in maintenance and repair activities, to save on labour costs and reduce downtime for their clients.   


Oxentia provided technology scouting services, the scope of the search was limited to advanced economies in Europe and North America. Initially, Oxentia developed technology trees to determine which of the numerous applications and technology areas aligned closely with the client’s strategic needs. Oxentia then deployed proprietary methods to identify, evaluate and filter opportunities down to a shortlist of high-value targets. At this point, Oxentia held discussions with senior directors of target companies to better understand their technical offering and moreover, how they may support our client in meeting their needs. Once a good match was established, the prospective supplier met with Oxentia’s client to determine whether a commercial relationship was feasible.  


Oxentia identified 16 high-value targets out of an initial list of more than 200, and from these, the client actively pursued two commercial relationships.  

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